Data Science Course

By Xzect Categories: Data Science, Featured, Live
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About Course

Our Data Science Course offers a comprehensive exploration into the dynamic realm of data-driven insights and analysis. With a strong foundation in key concepts, you’ll delve into data preprocessing, visualization, and exploratory analysis, gaining a deep understanding of patterns and trends. What sets us apart is our hands-on approach, where you’ll actively engage with real-world projects and datasets, fostering practical skills that are highly valued in today’s data-driven industries. Our industry-relevant curriculum is tailored to provide you with a competitive edge, emphasizing sought-after tools like Python, Pandas, Scikit-learn, and more. With personalized learning paths, mentorship, and career support, we ensure you’re well-equipped for success. As you embark on your data science journey, our course empowers you to uncover insights, drive decision-making, and thrive in a field that’s shaping the future. Join us to experience a transformative learning adventure that opens doors to endless opportunities.

why should you choose this course?

  1. Hands-On Approach:
    • Emphasis on practical projects and real-world datasets
    • Learning by doing through interactive exercises
  2. Industry-Relevant Curriculum:
    • Curriculum designed in collaboration with industry experts
    • Focus on skills and tools currently in demand
  3. Personalized Learning:
    • Tailored learning paths for different skill levels
    • Flexibility to learn at your own pace
  4. Mentorship and Support:
    • Access to experienced data science mentors
    • Regular feedback and guidance throughout the course
  5. Career Assistance:
    • Resume building, interview preparation, and job placement support
    • Networking opportunities with professionals in the field


What Will You Learn?

  • PowerBI
  • Tableau
  • Excel
  • Python
  • Pandas
  • NumPy
  • Matplotlib
  • Seaborn
  • Scikit-learn
  • TensorFlow or PyTorch
  • Jupyter Notebook
  • Git
  • SQL
  • Apache Spark
  • Cloud Platforms (AWS, GCP, Azure)

Course Content

Introduction to Data Analytics

  • Understanding the Data Analytics Process
  • Role of Data Analysts in Decision-Making

SQL for Data Analytics

Fundamentals of Statistics

Data Visualization with Power BI

Data Visualization with Tableau

Data Analysis with Excel

Programming Foundations with Python

Data Manipulation and Analysis with Python

Introduction to Machine Learning

Applying Machine Learning with Python

Capstone Project: Real-World Data Analysis

Live Sessions Recordings​

Access recordings of all live sessions, ensuring you never miss a class and can review concepts at your own pace.

Doubt Clearing Support

Get dedicated doubt clearing sessions to address any questions and clarify concepts for a thorough understanding.

Training Certificate

Earn a valuable training certificate upon successful completion, boosting your resume and demonstrating practical skills.

Career Assistance

Receive guidance and support for your career journey, including resume building and interview preparation.

Get certificates on course completion

Receive Certificates When You Successfully Complete Our Courses, Validating Your Achievements and Skill Development.